Fox News Halftime Report -- ‘The torch; be yours to hold it high’
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May 24, 2019
By Chris Stirewalt
On the roster: 'The torch; be yours to hold it high' - The GOP's long game to diminish Biden - How Socialist Bernie became Bernie the millionaire - Phony Pelosi video blows up on right wingers - *ahem* A clean getaway
We feel self-conscious to even talk about Peter Jackson's World War I documentary, "They Shall Not Grow Old" because so few people have discussed it.
If social media engagement is a reflection of interest in the masterful film that heartbreakingly tells the story of the war that made the modern world compared to those from any television show about sexy dragon masters or sexy serial killers or sexy pirates, or... God help us.
But this is our note, and we think what Jackson has accomplished needs far more attention. In fact, our culture is in terrible need of the movie right now. You can find discussions of libertarianism and intersectionality in "Game of Thrones" elsewhere, if that's your bag.
Jackson took 100 hours of mostly unseen films and 600 hours of taped interviews with veterans of the Great War that had been moldering at the Imperial War Museum and turned them into an arresting, evocative work that we will not soon forget.
The movie was made to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the end of the war last November, and made it to some American theaters this year, but is now widely available to stream at home.
Its title comes from the 1914 poem "For the Fallen" by Lawrence Binyon.
"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old://Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.//At the going down of the sun and in the morning//We will remember them."
It is a movie told entirely in the voices of the survivors – there is no narrator – but it is most certainly about the dead. Binyon, too old for service but who would later make it to the front in 1916 as a medic, was writing with the pang of guilt that many of his countrymen felt when the terrible cost of the war was first becoming clear.
Fighting a war with 20th century technology and 19th century techniques produced immediate, catastrophic losses. In one battle alone – Verdun, where Binyon tended to the wounded – more than 300,000 men were killed.
British losses were staggering. Nearly a million subjects of the empire were killed. More than 2 percent of the United Kingdom's entire population was dead by the time the guns were finally silenced. Nearly an entire generation of men lost.
Our losses were a pittance by comparison. More than 116,000 Americans died "over there," something like 20 times fewer fatalities as a percentage of our population compared to Britain.
You may notice that British people wear paper poppies on their lapels in the month of November to commemorate Armistice Day when, on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, the senseless, industrialized slaughter finally was allowed to end.
We celebrate our Veterans Day at the same time, but it has a very different meaning for us than it does to our British cousins. We use that day to thank our neighbors who served. They are called to stand up at church or the football game to hear our grateful applause. We celebrate the living. They mourn the dead of a million soldiers who fought with ancient methods against modern means.
The poppies are from another war poem, "In Flanders Fields," by Royal Army surgeon John McRae after the battle of Ypres in Belgium.
"In Flanders fields the poppies blow//Between the crosses, row on row,// That mark our place; and in the sky//The larks, still bravely singing, fly//Scarce heard amid the guns below.//We are the Dead. Short days ago//We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,//Loved and were loved, and now we lie,//In Flanders fields."
For Americans under 35, there is an answer to Veterans Day. Are you a U.S. citizen or permanent resident? Do you have a high school diploma or the equivalent? Do you meet medical, moral and physical requirements? Your local recruiter would be happy to talk.
But there isn't such an answer for Britons to Armistice Day.
There will, Lord hear our prayer, never be another war like those that devastated the Western world in the first half of the last century. Modern technology and techniques have changed the way we fight, and the existence of nuclear weapons has for more than 70 years ensured that great powers avoid direct confrontations.
Nov. 11 is a day for Americans to celebrate those who served. It is a day for the British to mourn the dead.
We have our own day for that.
Memorial Day is many things in our culture: The unofficial start of summer, a much-needed long weekend and a good time to buy a mattress. But its purpose is clear in its name: To lift high the memory of our own war dead.
Memorial Day grew out of Decoration Day, when the survivors and widows of the Civil War would festoon the graves of those killed in our own great, tragic war.
The war to end slavery and preserve the union claimed nearly 700,000 lives, a proportion of our population that time roughly equivalent to the losses Britain suffered in World War I.
And like the Great War, the slaughter was industrial in scale. There were more than 12,000 casualties before noon at the Battle of Antietam alone.
This weekend is the time for Americans to pause over a hard truth: The freedom and prosperity we enjoy was bought with blood. More than 1.3 million Americans have died in conflicts back to the revolution that made us a nation. That's about the population of Dallas. And they too shall not grow old.
Because we are free, we can observe Memorial Day any way we choose. And life is indeed for the living, so we should enjoy these first ardent rays of the summer sun.
But we would suggest that you make some room in your playlist amid the dragon-fired bodice rippers for Jackson's masterful work. You will find it engrossing for sure, but it may also stir in you a fresh desire to be the kind of citizen who would be worthy of their sacrifices.
[Ed. note: In observance of Memorial Day, the Halftime Report will not be published on Monday.]
"Taking each State by itself, its laws are the same, and its interests but little diversified. A few men, therefore, will possess all the knowledge requisite for a proper representation of them." – Alexander Hamilton or James Madison, Federalist No. 56
Atlantic: "The first stars ignited billions of years ago… The stars blazed until they exploded in bursts powerful enough to forge heavy chemical elements. … The new elements found their way into other stars, and then planets, and, eventually, life. It's a remarkable cosmic tale, with a recent twist. Some of the stardust has managed to become sentient, work out its own history, and use that knowledge to better understand the stars. Astronomers know stars so well, in fact, that they can tell when one doesn't belong—when it's migrated to our galaxy from a completely different one. Today astronomers study the chemical compositions of stars near and far… Astronomers take starlight, absorbed and collected by telescopes, and break it down into its constituent lines, same as a prism of glass stretches light into the colors of the rainbow. These lines correspond to different elements, from the light kind … to the heavy stuff…"
Flag on the play? - Email us at HALFTIMEREPORT@FOXNEWS.COM with your tips, comments or questions.
Trump job performance
Average approval: 41.6 percent
Average disapproval: 53.2 percent
Net Score: -11.6 points
Change from one week ago: down 4.2 points
[Average includes: CBS News: 41% approve - 52% disapprove; Monmouth University: 41% approve - 52% disapprove; Quinnipiac University: 38% approve - 57% disapprove; Fox News: 46% approve - 53% disapprove; Gallup: 42% approve - 52% disapprove.]
Vanity Fair: "Welcome to the plot to take down Joe Biden, the 2020 candidate most feared by President Donald Trump and the Republican insiders working to re-elect him. For years, decades really, Biden was largely written off as a buffoon. … After a couple years lashed to the Trump merry-go-round, Uncle Joe looks like the steady, centrist status quo. … With laser-like precision, the G.O.P. machine plans to expose it all… Republicans want to rewind the clock and re-write the script, recasting Biden as the rhetorically cringe-worthy second coming of Crooked Hillary, responsible for nearly everything that's gone wrong in Washington during Biden's 50 years walking the corridors of power. To pull it off, the R.N.C., working hand in hand with the Trump campaign, has assembled perhaps its largest-ever war room, with approximately six to seven operatives working in opposition research and four to five conducting near 'round-the-clock rapid media response. The effort—featuring public document requests and other standards of the dirt-digging trade—has been well underway since last year."
Bill Weld gets Trumpian with Trump - ABC News: "President Donald Trump's lone Republican primary challenger, former Massachusetts Gov. Bill Weld, ratcheted up his attacks on the president Tuesday night. Speaking at the first in a series of Kennedy Institute events focused on the 2020 election cycle, Weld levied a number of his harshest verbal jabs yet, saying earlier this week that the president preferred an 'Aryan nation.' 'I celebrate that America has always been a melting pot,' Weld said at the speaking event on Tuesday. 'It seems he would prefer an Aryan nation.' … When asked to explain what specifically he meant by 'Aryan nation,' Weld told ABC News that he believes the president 'would prefer a nation with no immigrants.' The comment, which appeared to be a step further than Weld had gone with past attacks aimed at the president, even elicited a justification from the long-shot candidate himself."
Politico: "Based, though, on a deeper examination of [Bernie Sanders'] financial disclosures, his tax returns, property records in Washington and Vermont and scarcely leafed-through scraps of his financial papers housed here at UVM, Sanders' current financial portrait is not only some stroke-of-luck windfall. It's also the product (with the help of his wife) of decades of planning. The upward trajectory from that jalopy of his to his relative riches now—as off-brand as it is for a man who once said he had 'no great desire to be rich'—is the product of years of middle-class striving, replete with credit card debt, real estate upgrades and an array of investment funds and retirement accounts. As an immigrant's son who started close to the bottom and has ended up nearer to the top, Sanders has a narrative arc that would form the backbone of the campaign story of almost any other candidate. But it's more complicated for him. There's never been anybody like Sanders in the modern political history of this country—somebody who made a career out of haranguing millionaires … and who is now a millionaire himself."
Castro speaks out against Trump's merit immigration plan - NPR: "Democratic presidential candidate Julián Castro has a plan to change immigration policy in the U.S. The former Housing and Urban Development secretary wants to address immigrant detention, family reunification and the immigration court system. In stark contrast to current policy, he also wants to decriminalize crossing the border illegally, a plan he outlined in a Medium post in April. 'For a long time in this country we actually did not treat crossing the border as a criminal act. We treated it as a civil violation,' Castro told NPR. 'A lot of the problems that we see in the system today flared up after we started treating it as a criminal offense.'
WaPo: "Distorted videos of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), altered to make her sound as if she's drunkenly slurring her words, are spreading rapidly across social media, highlighting how political disinformation that clouds public understanding can now grow at the speed of the Web. The video of Pelosi's onstage speech Wednesday at a Center for American Progress event, in which she said President Trump's refusal to cooperate with congressional investigations was tantamount to a 'coverup,' was subtly edited to make her voice sound garbled and warped. It was then circulated widely across Twitter, YouTube and Facebook. One version, posted by the conservative Facebook page Politics WatchDog, had been viewed more than 2 million times by Thursday night, been shared more than 45,000 times, and garnered 23,000 comments with users calling her 'drunk' and 'a babbling mess.' The origin of the altered video remains unclear…"
Giuliani tweets unclear apology for sharing the video - WashTimes: "Rudy Giuliani, President Trump's attorney, gave a confusing statement Friday after sharing and deleting a video of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Thursday that was doctored to display her as inarticulate. 'Ivesssapology for a video which is allegedly is a caricature of an otherwise halting speech pattern, she should first stop, and apologize for, saying the President needs an 'intervention.' Are,' Mr. Giuliani tweeted along with a gif of a basketball game celebration, which was screenshotted by Mediaite. Mr. Giuliani followed it up with another tweet that makes his point better. 'Nancy Pelosi wants an apology for a caricature exaggerating her already halting speech pattern. First she should withdraw her charge which hurts our entire nation when she says the President needs an 'intervention. 'People who live in a glass house shouldn't throw stones,'' he tweeted."
AP: "President Donald Trump has granted Attorney General William Barr new powers to review and potentially release classified information related to the origins of the Russia investigation, a move aimed at accelerating Barr's inquiry into whether U.S. officials improperly surveilled Trump's 2016 campaign. Trump on Thursday directed the U.S. intelligence community to 'quickly and fully cooperate' with Barr's investigation of the origins of the multiyear probe of whether his campaign colluded with Russia. Former intelligence officials and Democratic lawmakers criticized Trump's move, which marked an escalation in his efforts to 'investigate the investigators' as he works to undermine the findings of special counsel Robert Mueller's probe. Trump's announcement came amid mounting Democratic calls to bring impeachment proceedings against him."
Rep. Nadler says Mueller willing to do private testimony - NBC News: "Special counsel Robert Mueller has expressed interest in giving private testimony to Congress about his two-year investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election. Mueller has told House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler that he is willing to make a public opening statement, but leave his testimony behind closed doors, Nadler said on 'The Rachel Maddow Show' Thursday night. Nadler, D-N.Y., has made repeated efforts for Mueller to speak in front of Congress. If Mueller did proceed with private testimony on his report, the public would get a transcript, Nadler said."
Pelosi makes it to recess, doesn't cave to impeachment pressures - Politico
UK PM Theresa May announces resignation amid fury over Brexit - Fox News
Trump unveils a second, $16 billion bailout for farmers hit by his trade war - WSJ
"When he engages in the general, it will be like tagging Hulk Hogan into the ring." –Rep. Eric Swalwell talking about what he expects when President Obama gets involved in the general election.
This weekend Mr. Sunday will sit down with presidential candidate Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., and Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. Watch "Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace." Check local listings for broadcast times in your area.
#mediabuzz - Host Howard Kurtz has the latest take on the week's media coverage. Watch #mediabuzz Sundays at 11 a.m. ET.
"Chris and Brianna, Thank you for sharing the story of 'Crechale's Cafe's Highway Legacy' by John Edge. This has to be more than serendipitous as my wife and I have a July trip planned to Jackson MS. We will be visiting to see our son umpire the MiLB series between Jackson Generals v Pensacola Blue Wahoos. I promise to email a review of both Crechale's and the ballpark's fare." – Dan Burch, Turlock, Calif.
[Ed. note: Oh good! Ours is a world filled with delights for those willing to see them. But little could ever surpass a truly great onion ring.]
Share your color commentary: Email us at HALFTIMEREPORT@FOXNEWS.COM and please make sure to include your name and hometown.
Boston Globe: "When Nate Roman came home from work on May 15, he could tell that a stranger had been in his house. Roman, 44, lives in a single-family home on a typical suburban tree-lined street in Marlborough. He said it's possible that he forgot to lock his back door, because whoever entered his house didn't break anything to gain entry. But here's the strange part: whoever ventured into his home didn't take anything. They just thoroughly cleaned his house. Roman looked around and saw that they neatly made the beds, vacuumed the rugs, and scrubbed the toilets. … Marlborough Police Sergeant Daniel Campbell said the department hasn't heard of any other situations like this one. … Roman said he still doesn't know who did it. The best theory he could come up with is that a housekeeping service mistakenly went to the wrong address and showed up at his house."
"The premise of a free market is that people can withhold their labor if they find the conditions under which they work intolerable." – Charles Krauthammer (1950-2018) writing for Time magazine on Jan. 31, 2003.