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Regions seeing at least some parts of the eclipse: Europe, South/West Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica. Taking pictures of the Moon
The animation shows where this total lunar eclipse is visible during the night (dark “wave” slowly moving across the Earth's surface).
Shades of darkness
Night, moon high up in sky.
Moon between 12 and 18 degrees above horizon.
Moon between 6 and 12 degrees above horizon. Make sure you have free line of sight.
Moon between 0 and 6 degrees above horizon. May be hard to see due to brightness and line of sight.
Day, moon and eclipse both not visible. Note: Twilight will affect the visibility of the eclipse, as well as weather.
Entire eclipse was visible from start to end
Entire partial and total phases were visible. Missed part of penumbral phase.
Entire total phase was visible. Missed part of partial & penumbral phases.
Some of the total phase was visible. Missed part of total, partial & penumbral phases.
Some of the partial phase was visible. Missed total phase and part of partial & penumbral phases.
Some of the penumbral phase was visible. Missed total & partial phases.
Eclipse was not visible at all. Note: Areas with lighter shadings left (West) of the center will experience the eclipse after moonrise/sunset. Areas with lighter shadings right (East) of the center will experience the eclipse until moonset/sunrise. Actual eclipse visibility depends on weather conditions and line of sight to the Moon.
When the Eclipse Happened Worldwide
Lunar eclipses look approximately the same all over the world and happen at the same time.
The times displayed are accurate to around 2-3 seconds.
UTC Time
Time in Ho Chi Minh*
Visible in Ho Chi Minh
Penumbral Eclipse began
28 Sep, 00:11:47
28 Sep, 07:11:47
No, below horizon
Partial Eclipse began
28 Sep, 01:07:13
28 Sep, 08:07:13
No, below horizon
Full Eclipse began
28 Sep, 02:11:12
28 Sep, 09:11:12
No, below horizon
Maximum Eclipse
28 Sep, 02:47:09
28 Sep, 09:47:09
No, below horizon
Full Eclipse ended
28 Sep, 03:23:05
28 Sep, 10:23:05
No, below horizon
Partial Eclipse ended
28 Sep, 04:27:05
28 Sep, 11:27:05
No, below horizon
Penumbral Eclipse ended
28 Sep, 05:22:31
28 Sep, 12:22:31
No, below horizon
* The Moon was below the horizon during this eclipse, so it was not possible to view it in Ho Chi Minh.
The magnitude of the eclipse is 1.276.
The total duration of the eclipse is 5 hours, 11 minutes.
The total duration of the partial phases is 2 hours, 8 minutes.
The duration of the full eclipse is 1 hour, 12 minutes. Next Total Lunar Eclipse will be on 31 Jan 2018.